Assessing the impact of a new powerline on tourism
The project is a part of Landsnet's Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed new powerline, Suðurnesjalína 2. The main objective of this research was to assess the impact the new powerline would have on tourism and recreational activities in the area. The proposed new powerline would be situated between Njarnvíkurheiði and Hafnarfjörður on the Reykjanes Peninsula.
The research project was based on interviews with tourism professionals and people who use the area for recreation. Additionally, previous research on the impact of energy projects on tourism in Iceland were use, as well as other relevant documents and research data. Data collection took place during the summer of 2018.
A report with the findings is ready and was handed in to Landsnet early year 2019. Th findings indicate that the effects would vary within the impact area. The new powerline would have the most effect on recreational activities within and around the areas Almenningur, Seltjörn and Snorrastaðatjarnir. The visual impact of a new and larger power line was the main concern of the interviewees, as well as further disruption of the lava fields.
The report can be accessed here: Áhrif Suðurnesjalínu 2 á ferðaþjónustu og útivist