Market research for Visit North Iceland
The research was a joint collaboration project between The Icelandic Tourism Research Centre and Hólar University.
The research was conducted for Visit North Iceland and funded by regional associations of municipalities in North East Iceland (EyÞing) and North West Iceland (SSNV).
The main aim of the research was to examine various aspects that related to the marketing of North Iceland and the target markets that visit the area to provide the tourism companies in North Iceland with useful data for their businesses.
The research was divided into two parts, the first part was built on a survey sent out to tourism companies in North Iceland, and the second part was based on interviews with tourists at various popular tourist attractions in North Iceland. Additionally, comments made by travellers on Instagram, TripAdvisor and Facebook were analysed.
The findings were released in three reports at the start of 2020, the reports are all in Icelandic.
1. Markaðssetning ferðaþjónustufyrirtækja og sveitarfélaga á Norðurlandi
2. Ferðavenjur og viðhorf erlendra ferðamanna á Norðurlandi
3. Ummæli ferðamanna á Instagram, TripAdvisor og Facebook
Project manager: Elísabet Ögn Jóhannsdóttir []