Nordic Cruise Research Network

Cruise ships, Akureyri 2018 © Þórný Barðadóttir

The Nordic Cruise Research Network (NCRN), was established in early 2018 as a network of scholars directing their research on cruise traffic and cruise tourism in the North.

The aim of the network is to be a forum where researchers can make contacts, communicate, meet, share ideas and findings as well as cooperate on cruise research.



Activity Track
  • In 2020 a group of researchers submitted a session proposal at the 29th Nordic Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism Research in Akureyri. The session is titled Arctic Cruise Tourism: moving towards sustainable practices and governance.

  • In 2019 a group of researchers submitted, in the name of the NCRN, a session proposal for 10th International Congress of Arctic Social Science - ICASS X in Arkhangelsk, 15-20 June 2020

  • In 2019 a group of researchers applied, in name of the NCRN, for research funding from The Norwegian Cooperation Program in Higher Education with Russia (NORRUSS) for a collaborative cruise study in the North Atlantic area of the Arctic (Russia, Norway, Iceland, Greenland).
    In early 2020 the research project was announced to be funded, expected to run from June 2020 til June 2023.
    As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project kick-of has been postponed until the fall of 2020.
  • In 2018 a group of researchers organised, in the name of the NCRN, a conference session at the 27th Nordic Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism Research. The session was titled Maritime tourism and sustainability: An interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research agenda.


Click here to view the NCRN's list of participants

For further information and/or requests about the NCRN, please contact Þórný Barðadóttir ( at the ITRC.