Residents' attitudes of tourism in Iceland: A national study

Tourism impact in Icelandic communitiesTourism development can be both an enabling as well as a threatening force for the well-being of local communities. Thus, it is important to explore local views on cohabiting with tourists and how tourism development impacts residents’ quality of life.

Two studies of residents' attitudes of tourism have been conducted nationally in Iceland, the former in 2014 and the latter in 2017. Both studies were telephone surveys.

ITRC published an analytical report based on the results from 2014. The Social Science Research Institute (isl. Félagsvísindastofnun) conducted the survey and published the survey results. Both reports are in Icelandic.


ITRC conducted the 2017-survey in collaboration with University of Akureyri Research Centre. Seven summaries were published in Icelandic in spring 2018: 

Viðhorf íbúa á Austurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á Norðurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á Reykjanesi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á Suðurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á Vestfjörðum til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu

Viðhorf íbúa á Vesturlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu


A final report was published in september 2018 in Icelandic. 


Project manager: Eyrún Jenný Bjarnadóttir - ejb[at]