Economic effects of tourism in Þingeyjarsýslur

Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir
Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir

A report by Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir on the economic effects of tourism in Þingeyjarsýslur has been published by the ITRC. This study was carried out by the ITRC in collaboration with the University of Iceland’s Research Centre in Húsavík and the Húsavík Academic Centre during the period of 2012-2015.

The study set out to explore the availability of regional statistical data in the tourism industry in Iceland and to analyse the economic effects of tourism regionally. The report demonstrates the development of visitor numbers in the area as well as the development of regional accommodation statistics. The main economic findings are the total turnover by detailed industries directly related to tourism in the region as well as internal tourism consumption and tourism employment numbers. The results are based on company interviews and visitor surveys in the area of research and the method used in this study was retrieved as much as possible from the principles of the Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008

The project was funded with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Northeast Iceland Growth Agreement and the Húsavík Academic Centre.

Direct link to the report


The following reports  have already been published:
• Tourism Data Collection: Analysis at a sub-national level in Iceland
(Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir, 2014)
• Þróun og staða ferðaþjónustu á Húsavík: Niðurstöður ferðavenjukannana sumrin 2013 og 2014 (in Icelandic)
(Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir, 2014)
• Fémæti ferðaþjónustu: Rannsókn á efnahagslegum áhrifum ferðaþjónustu í Þingeyjarsýslu (in Icelandic)
(Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir, 2013)