Citizen science in whale-watching tours: a path to enhanced sustainability and competitiveness?
The ITRC has received a research grant from the Science fund of University of Akureyri to work on a project focusing on the collaboration between tourism and research.
Citizen science is increasingly recognized as a valuable method for studying whales and contributing to marine conservation, with whale-watching companies playing a significant role in this regard. However, there is a notable lack of knowledge in Iceland regarding the methods and outcomes of such collaboration between the tourism industry and the scientific community.
This research aims to analyze the participation of whale-watching companies and their customers in scientific research on whales and assess whether an emphasis on citizen science enhances sustainability and the competitiveness of these companies.
The project seeks to explore the interplay between whale-watching and whale research, focusing on how these tours can contribute to whale conservation and the development of sustainable tourism. It will examine whether and how the tourism sector and the academic community work together in a mutually beneficial way to promote knowledge, sustainability, and the protection of natural resources. Particular attention will be given to whale-watching companies committed to responsible practices that support and engage in whale research.
Project manager is Ása Marta Sveinsdóttir []