Tourism Research Toolbox - Research group
It is important, first of all, to define for whom the toolbox is? It was discussed that an effective and functioning toolbox should cater for all the stakeholders involved. Some of the tools are applicable for each stakeholder, some tools should be designed to the needs of the specific stakeholder. Also, there are different needs in different regions, countries etc.
From tour operator point of view, it was mentioned in the discussion that one part of toolbox is about informing and educating the customers. One part is about monitoring, and after monitoring phase, the other tools are easier to define. Monitoring tools: how customers move in the destinations?
We need first monitoring tools, after that other research questions and tools can be created.
We all agreed that the toolbox should be communicated well and it should be cohesive. We need multiple toolbox for different stakeholders.
Research questions for comparative study could be something like this:
- What kind of toolbox works in practice?
- How to monitor the effect of different tools? Long-term actions, and long-term perspective needed.
- Toolboxes of different countries, what kind of toolboxes for different stakeholders there are?
- Where does the money go? Who is profiting and to what extent? This is one interesting topic.
- How does the toolbox could be useful in educating customers?
Toolbox for the company must include exist operations that company is already using.
For the local community toolbox could also be a way to communicate about responsibility issues to for example tour operators, customers, media etc.
Storytelling should be included, could also be effective towards communicating to media and politicians.
Group leader is Petra Blinnikka [] JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Other members are:
- Manfred Schreiber, Studiosus Reisen München
- Magnus Haukur Asgeirsson, University of Iceland
- Kjartan Bollason, Hólar University
- Harold Goodwin, Responsible Tourism Partnership and Institute of Place Management at MMU
Those who are interested to participate are welcome to contact the the group leader.