Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU

Year Category Title Authors
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Beyond Overtourism: Studying the Entanglements of Society and Tourism in Iceland. Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Katrín Anna Lund View
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Senses by Seasons: Tourists’ Perceptions Depending on Seasonality in Popular Nature Destinations in Iceland Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall, Þorkell Stefánsson View
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism spatial dynamics and causal relations: a need for holistic understanding Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Hörður V. Haraldsson View
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The sublime attraction of active volcanoes: An exploration of tourists’ experiences during a longdistance hiking route in Iceland Þórhildur Heimisdóttir, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Guðrún Gísladóttir View
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tending to destinations: Conceptualising tourism’s transformative capacities Edward H. Huijbens, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson View
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Geotourism Rannveig Ólafsdóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Evolution of tourism in natural destinations and dynamic sustainable thresholds over time Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Hörður V. Haraldsson View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Accessibility of protected areas and visitor behaviour: A case study from Iceland Edita Tverijonaite, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Þröstur Þorsteinsson View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Attitudes of tourists and the tourism industry towards the proposed hydro power plant in Hverfisfljót river in Skaftárhreppur Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Edita Tverijonaite, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Crisis coordination and communication during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption Deanne K. Bird, Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir, Víðir Reynisson, Sigrún Karlsdóttir, Magnús T. Gudmundsson, Guðrún Gísladóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Volunteer tourists’ perceptions of their impacts on marginalized communities Jessica F. Aquino, Kathleen Andereck View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Hydropower and tourism in Iceland: Visitor and operator perspectives on preferred use of natural areas Georgette Leah Burns, Laufey Haraldsdóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The Riding Trail as Geotourism Attraction: Evidence from Iceland Guðrún Helgadóttir, Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Wellness and equestrian tourism – New kind of an adventure? Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Herding livestock and managing people: The cultural sustainability of a harvest festival Guðrún Helgadóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Co-creating tourism knowledge Carina Ren, René Van der Duim, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Balancing values: Co-creation in and out of academia René Van der Duim, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Carina Ren View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Collaborative becoming: Exploring tourism knwoledge collectives Carina Ren, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Towards a collaborative manifesto: Configurations of tourism knowledge co-creation Carina Ren, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, René Van der Duim View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Bridge-builders, scouts and ‘idiots’. Exploring topologies of tourism student collaboration Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Carina Ren, Dejan Križaj View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Making matter in the midst of things: Engaging with tourism imponderables through research Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Katrín Anna Lund, Carina Ren View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism, nature and sustainability Hogne Øian, Peter Fredman, Klas Sandell, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Liisa Tyrväinen, Frank Søndergaard Jensen View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Development of micro-clusters in tourism: a case of equestrian tourism in northwest Iceland Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir, Runólfur Smári Steinþórsson View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Floating Away: The Impact of Hydroelectric Power Stations on Tourists’ Experience in Iceland Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Geotourism: A Systematic Literature Review Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Edita Tverijonaite View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Virkjun áfangastaða – Samgöngubætur og virkjunarframkvæmdir Edward H. Huijbens, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Sustainable Leisure Landscapes in Icelandic Rural Communities: A Multidisciplinary Approach Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Jorrit Noordhuizen, Wieteke Nijkrake View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU “Puffin love”: Performing and creating Arctic landscapes in Iceland through souvenirs Katrín Anna Lund, Katla Kjartansdóttir, Kristín Loftsdóttir View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Informing tourism policy with statistical data: the case of the Icelandic Tourism Satellite Account Cristi Frent View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Assessing progress in achieving greater compliance with international standards: the case of the New Icelandic Tourism Satellite Account Cristi Frent View
2018 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism in Iceland: Persistence and seasonality Luis A. Gil-Alana, Edward H. Huijbens View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Viðhorf ferðamanna til raflína í náttúru Íslands Þorkell Stefánsson, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism changing the edge of the wild Zsófia Cságoly, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Improvising Economy: Everyday Encounters and Tourism Consumption Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Katrín Anna Lund View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Iceland Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Edward H. Huijbens View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Comparisons between hikers and non-hikers in Iceland: attitudes, behaviours and perceptions Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall, Þorkell Stefánsson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Ferðaþjónusta og virkjanir til bjargar byggðum? Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Þorkell Stefánsson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Hofstede national culture and international trade Helga Kristjánsdóttir, Þórhallur Örn Guðlaugsson, Svala Guðmundsdóttir, Gylfi Dalmann Aðalsteinsson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU When Tourists meet Transmission Lines: The effects of electric transmission lines on tourism in Iceland Þorkell Stefánsson, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The Longitude and Latitude of Trading in Tourists Helga Kristjánsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Planning the Wild: In Times of Tourist Invasion Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU More than a stopover: Analysing the postcolonial image of Iceland as a gateway destination Katrín Anna Lund, Kristín Loftsdóttir, Michael Leonard View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Establishment and downfall of a horse-based cluster initiative in Northwest Iceland Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir, Runólfur Smári Steinþórsson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Stakeholder Participation in Developing Sustainability Indicators for a European Northern Periphery Tourism System Kristín Rut Kristjánsdóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Creative Connections? Tourists, Entrepreneurs and Destination Development. Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Katrín Anna Lund View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU ANT: A decade of interfering with tourism René Van der Duim, Carina Ren, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU A method to analyse seasonality in the distribution of tourists in Iceland Gyða Þórhallsdóttir, Rögnvaldur Ólafsson View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Place, green exercise and stress: An exploration of lived experience and restorative effects Gunnþóra Ólafsdóttir, Paul Cloke, Claus Vögele View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Reviewing integrated sustainability indicators for tourism Kristín Rut Kristjánsdóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir View
2017 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Trapped in clichés: masculinity, films and tourism in Iceland Kristín Loftsdóttir, Katla Kjartansdóttir, Katrín Anna Lund View
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