Call for papers for RTD-13: Tackling Overtourism – Local Responses

The 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations will be held 29-30 September 2017 in Iceland. Call for papers is now open.
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Visit from Hungary

This week, the ITRC welcomed three researchers from the the University of Szeged in Hungary.
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Responsible tourism in the Arctic

The Icelandic Seal Centre in co-operation with the Icelandic Research Centre (RMF) has formed an interdisciplinary research group on responsible tourism in the Arctic.
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Walking in nature has stress-reducing effects

Recently Health & Place journal published an article on inter-discipinary research investigating the stress-buffering effects of walking in nature. The paper's leading author is Gunnthora Olafsdottir, PhD at the ITRC.
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Successful seminar on voluntourism

Recording of the ITRC's annual seminar is now available here on the ITRC's web.
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ITRC welcomes new staff member

Gunnþóra Ólafsdóttir has joined the ITRC team.
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Tourist images of Iceland: A regional comparasion of tourism promotional material

The report Tourist images of Iceland: A regional comparasion of tourism promotional material has just been published by ITRC. In the report, the author Dennis Hermans, a Master student at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and an intern at ITRC, reportshis findings on the analysis of the use of images in Icelandic tourism brochures and guidebooks.
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Economic effects of tourism in Þingeyjarsýslur

A report by Lilja B. Rögnvaldsdóttir on the economic effects of tourism in Þingeyjarsýslur has been published by the ITRC.
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Road Map for Tourism in Iceland

Sustainable development is the leading theme in a long-term strategy, shaped for the Icelandic tourism industry, first published last October and now available in an English translation as Road Map for Tourism in Iceland.
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An insight on the new Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) data for Iceland. Presentation at University of Iceland

On Monday October 5th, at 15:00, the Icelandic Tourism Research Centre, together with Statistics Iceland, gives a presentation of the making of the new Tourism Satellite Account during the period 2009-2013. The presentation will be delivered by Dr. Christi Frent in room 101 in Lögberg, the University of Iceland.
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