Fourth research seminar of the ITRC held in Hvanneyri

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ITRC develops learning outcomes in collaboration with Hólar University College and the Travel Industry Association

The ITRC received a grant from the EU Leonardo lifelong learning programme in collaboration with colleagues from Poland and Greece to develop learning outcomes for service training in areas of great natural value. Domestically the ITRC collaborated with Hólar University College and the Travel Industry Association to develop these learning outcomes.
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The ITRC director keynote on rural research

Wednesday the 10th September the director of the ITRC delivered a keynote at the 3rd Nordic Rural Studies conference held in Trondheim, Norway 8th to 10th September. The title of the keynote was: Tending to tourism. Tourism's role in thriving and declining communities.
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Programme at the ITRC Autumn 2014

The Programme at the ITRC for autumn 2014 is quite eventful as in previous years.
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Third research seminar of the ITRC held at Hólar

The Icelandic Tourism Research Centre hosted its third research seminar beginning June at Hólar University College. The first ITRC research days were held in Höfn in autumn 2012, the second in autumn 2013 in Húsavík and building on the success of these a spring seminar was added, but the fourth research seminar is to be held this autumn around Reykjavík.
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Winner of the annually Icelandic Tourism Research Centre's Dissertation Award

The award for 2013 went to Paavo Olavi Sonninen who wrote the dissertation "Tour Guide Competencies and Training Needs. Focus on the tour guides of Arctic Adventures". The award was given at the annual meeting of The Icelandic Tourist Industry Association on April 10th 2014 at the Grand Hotel in Reykjavík.
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Nordic tourism research – insights from Iceland

Two peer-reviewed articles and one conference paper were published this month detailing Icelandic tourism research in the Nordic and international context.
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ITRC microconference at the University of Iceland

For the third time the ITRC hosts its annual micro-conference at he University of Iceland on 24th October 2013. The theme is on the state of knowledge on tourism in Iceland.
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A book on tourism in Icelandic

In August 2013 the publishing house Forlagið, published a book on tourism in Iceland written by Edward H. Huijbens and Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson.
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Research days in Húsavík

ITRC research seminar in Húsavík: From 9th to 11th October the ITRC hosted the second research seminar for projects that received funding in 2012. The seminar was intended for those running the projects to share notes and information about how their projects are progressing in addition to providing feedback on other projects.The seminar was a resounding success with very fruitful discussions and a critical dialogue.
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