The first doctorate degree from Tourism Studies in Iceland

Johannes (Hans) Theodorus Welling defended his doctoral thesis in Tourism Studies at the University of Iceland last Friday. He is the first doctoral student to graduate from Tourism Studies in Iceland.
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T-CRISIS-NAV - a new Erasmus+ project

Icelandic Tourism Research Centre participates in an Erasmus+ project which is aimed at helping small and medium sized tourism companies to navigate through crisis.
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Three interns at the ITRC

The Fall 2020, ITRC is hosting three interns, Minke from Uppsala University – Campus Gotland and two students from Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.
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New report about the residents’ attitudes of tourism in Iceland

The Icelandic people see tourism as an economically important industry and that tourists enrich society in various ways. This is one of the findings from a survey on Icelanders' attitudes towards tourists and tourism.
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Residents’ attitudes of tourism in Iceland: A national study 2019

Seven reports on the residents’ attitudes of tourism in Iceland were published today. Evidence was sought as to whether Icelanders feel pressure from tourism in their community.
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29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research postponed

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research in Akureyri, Iceland will be postponed to September 22–23, 2021.
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New book about employment in tourism in the Nordic countries has been published

The book Tourism Employment in Nordic Countries: Trends, Practices, and Opportunities has been published electronically.
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Popular Culture and Tourism (OUTPACE)

The Icelandic Tourism Research Centre (ITRC) is a partner in a new European collaborative project about the influences of pop culture on tourism and the opportunities that can be harnessed.
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Nordic food in tourism

Nordic Food in Tourism is a project supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and it is set for three years, from 2019-2021. ITRC, participates in the project’s expert group.
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The 29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research: Call for session proposals is now open

Call for session proposals is now open for the 29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research 22-24 September 2020, University of Akureyri, Iceland.
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