Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU

Útgáfuár Flokkur Titill Höfundar
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Journey into the Dark: Encountering Aurora Borealis Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Katrín Anna Lund Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Running Wild: Environmental Attitudes of LongDistance Runners in the Icelandic Highlands Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Edita Tverijonaite Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU A methodology of estimating visitor numbers at an Icelandic destination using a vehicle counter and a radar Gyða Þórhallsdóttir, Rögnvaldur Ólafsson, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU A responsible framework for managing wildlife watching tourism: The case of seal watching in Iceland Jessica F. Aquino, Georgette Leah Burns, Sandra Magdalena Granquist Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Sól og sandur: Ferðir Íslendinga til Kanaríeyja Kristín Loftsdóttir, Auður Arna Arnardóttir, Már Wolfgang Mixa, Guðbjörg Guðjónsdóttir Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU CarbFix and SulFix in geothermal production, and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland Helga Kristjánsdóttir, Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Wealth of Wind and Visitors: Tourist Industry Attitudes towards Wind Energy Development in Iceland Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Margrét Wendt, Edita Tverijonaite Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The Interplay of Stakeholder Theory and Blind Spot Theory in Rural Tourism Development Per Åke Nilsson, Jessica F. Aquino Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Creative Tourism: The Path to a Resilient Rural Icelandic Community Jessica F. Aquino, Georgette Leah Burns Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Viðhorf til íslenskra torfbygginga Sigríður Sigurðardóttir Skoða
2021 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Creatures of The Night: Bodies, Rhythms And Aurora Borealis Katrín Anna Lund Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Kynni unglinga af vinsælum ferðamannastöðum: Frístundir, ferðalög og menntun Jakob Frímann Þorsteinsson, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Jón Torfi Jónasson Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The Role of Public Participation for Determining Sustainability Indicators for Arctic Tourism Rannveig Ólafsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Le pouvoir sans politique ? Nature, paysage et énergies renouvelables en Islande/Power without politics? Nature, landscape and renewable energy in Iceland Karl Benediktsson, Edda Ruth Hlín Waage Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Enhancing tourists’ safety in volcanic areas: An investigation of risk communication initiatives in Iceland Deanne K. Bird, Guðrún Gísladóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Messy realities and collaborative knowledge production in tourism Carina Ren, René Van der Duim, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Twenty years of research on Arctic and Indigenous cultures in Nordic tourism: a review and future research agenda Carina Ren, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Britt Kramvig, Albina Pashkevich, Emily Höckert Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Neolocalism, Revitalization, and Rural Tourism Development Jessica F. Aquino, Gudrun Kloes Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Visitor satisfaction in wilderness in times of overtourism: a longitudinal study Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Overtourism in Iceland: Fantasy or Reality? Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall, Margrét Wendt Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU From Boiling to Frozen? The Rise and Fall of International Tourism to Iceland in the Era of Overtourism Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall, Margrét Wendt Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Síkvik menning á mörkum hins meira en mennska: Ferðamennska, söfn og staðir Katrín Anna Lund, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Implications of Climate Change on Nature-Based Tourism Demand: A Segmentation Analysis of Glacier Site Visitors in Southeast Iceland Johannes Theodorus Welling, Þorvarður Árnason, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Theres no transfer of knowledge, its all one way – the importance of integrating local knowledge and fostering knowledge sharing practices in natural resource utilisation John McDonagh, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Louise Weir, Marie Mahon, Maura Farrell, Johannes Theodorus Welling, Therese Conway Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU The contradictory role of tourism in the northern peripheries: overcrowding, overtourism and the importance of tourism for rural development Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Seija Tuulentie, Gestur Hovgaard, Karl Brix Zinglersen, Marita Svartá, Hans Holt Poulsen, Marie Søndergaard Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Traditional knowledge and natural resource governance: a gender perspective Gun Lidestav, Ragnheiður Bogadóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Eva-Lisa Myntti, Per Sandström, Stefan Sandström Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Nothing is sustainable the way it is – reflections on local sustainability perceptions and interpretations John McDonagh, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Louise Weir, Marie Mahon, Maura Farrell, Therese Conway Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism Employment in Nordic Countries Trends, Practices, and Opportunities Andreas Walmsley (ed.), Kajsa Åberg (ed.), Petra Blinnikka (ed.), Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson (ed.) Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Hardworking, Adaptive, and Friendly: The Marketing of Volunteers in Iceland Jónína Einarsdóttir, Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU On the Move: Migrant Workers in Icelandic Hotels Margrét Wendt, Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU “You Need to Consider How It Looks in the Eyes of the Guest”: The Work of Teenage Girls in Tourism in Iceland Anna Vilborg Einarsdóttir, Laufey Haraldsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Migrant Workers in Tourism: Challenges of Unions and Workers in the Icelandic Tourism Boom Magnfríður Júlíusdóttir, Íris Hrund Halldórsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Employee Motivation and Satisfaction Practices: A Case from Iceland Magnús Haukur Ásgeirsson, Paulína Neshybová, Brynjar Þór Þorsteinsson, Ester Gústavsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Public Perception of Wilderness in Iceland Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Recreational scuba diving in a groundwater ecosystem: Disturbance mechanisms, ecological impacts and stakeholder perceptions Jóhann Garðar Þorbjörnsson, Jónína Herdís Ólafsdóttir, Bjarni Kristófer Kristjánsson, Catherine Chambers, Georgette Leah Burns Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tax on tourism in Europe: Does higher value-added tax (VAT) impact tourism demand in Europe? Helga Kristjánsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism as a tool for nature conservation? Conflicting interests between renewable energy projects and wilderness protection in Iceland Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir, Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir Skoða
2020 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Not in my back yard or not on my playground: Residents and tourists' attitudes towards wind turbines in Icelandic landscapes Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Arctic expedition cruise tourism and citizen science: a vision for the future of polar tourism Audrey R. Taylor, Þórný Barðadóttir, Sarah Auffret, Annette Bombosch, Allison Lee Cusick, Edda Falk, Amanda Lynnes Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Tourism in a Remote Nordic Region: Vat, Internet, Oil, English, Distance, Hofstede, and Christianity Helga Kristjánsdóttir Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Looking down, staying with and moving along: Towards collaborative ways of knowing with nature in the Anthropocene Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Are we poles apart? Stakeholders’ cooperation and decision-making in on-land cruise tourism in Iceland and New Zealand Tracy Harkison, Þórný Barðadóttir Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Social sustainability of tourism in Iceland: A qualitative inquiry Guðrún Helgadóttir, Anna Vilborg Einarsdóttir, Georgette Leah Burns, Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir, Jóhanna María Elena Matthíasdóttir Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Winter Tourism and Seasonality in Iceland Þorvarður Árnason, Johannes Theodorus Welling Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Image Analysis to Monitor Experimental Trampling and Vegetation Recovery in Icelandic Plant Communities Micael C. Runnström, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Jan Blanke, Bastian Berlin Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Wind farms in the Icelandic highlands: Attitudes of local residents and tourism service providers Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Synergies and Trade-Offs in the Sustainable Development Goals—The Implications of the Icelandic Tourism Sector David Cook, Nína Saviolidis, Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Snjólfur Ólafsson Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Contested Development Paths and Rural communities: Sustainable Energy or Sustainable Tourism in Iceland? Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, C. Michael Hall Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Connecting Temporalities: Walking Through Narratives of Guilt and Passion Katrín Anna Lund Skoða
2019 Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU Literary Tourism: Theories, Practice and Case Studies Ian Jenkins (ed.), Katrín Anna Lund (ed.) Skoða
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