Tourism, ANT and earthly matters

Nánari upplýsingar
Titill Tourism, ANT and earthly matters
Nafn Edward H. Huijbens
Nafn Martin Gren
Nafn Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson (ed.)
Nafn Carina Ren (ed.)
Nafn René van der Duim (ed.)
Flokkur Fræðigreinar um ferðamál eftir starfsmenn HÍ, HA og HH / Academic Papers on Tourism by staff of UI, UnAk and HU
Útgáfurit Actor Network Theory and Tourism. Ontologies, Methodologies and Performances: 146-163
Útgáfuár 2012
Útgefandi Taylor and Francis
Leitarorð Actor Network Theory, Tourism, Ontologies, Ontology, Methodologies, Methodology